Perpetual Discernment

Thursday, August 25, 2005

The above photos come from the June 11, 2005 wedding of my dear friends Rolf and Holly, who live in Bethesda, Maryland. As I presume is evident from the pictures, a great time was had by all. No offense to the lovely bride and groom, but I'd like to draw special attention to the photo of Lisa and myself (below) - doesn't she look fabulous! I've certainly missed her a great deal since she's been in Mexico, but photos like this one always make me smile. I can't wait to visit her in Monterrey! As for the guys at the top left who look like they having enough fun for the whole wedding party, that's Nate, Jason, and Streeter - my recent golf partners - with Nate's girlfriend (and classmate) Beth hiding below the frame. Due homage is paid to the bride and groom in the touching shot above at right, which catches Rolf administering the price to pass through the military sword arch.


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