Perpetual Discernment

Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Busy Weekend

Whew! After a busy, active weekend over which I slept little, I'm finally decompressing in the fine company of pulmonary physiology. Friday afternoon found me in northern Maryland, a few miles from the Delaware line, attending the kickoff retreat for the Baltimore Albert Schweitzer Fellows Program, a public service fellowship of which I've recently become a part. The retreat took place on the University of Maryland-owned Donaldson Brown Estate, a vast expanse overlooking the Susquehanna River from on top a 100-foot cliff. The pictures included were taken around sunset Friday evening. Once the retreat ended Saturday afternoon, I drove down to D.C. to spend an evening with some of my great friends from UNC - Nate Maust, Jason Norris, Streeter Lecka, Rolf Graning, and Holly Graning (Rolf's wife). Today, as I mentioned at the outset, has been decidedly less social. Enjoy the pics - I've got more if you're interested.


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