New Orleans in December, Part 1

Congratulations to Joy and Justin on the celebration of their marriage! This past Saturday, December 17, my cousin Justin married Joy Bonaguro, a fellow Tulane alum, in New Orleans. I flew into New Orleans for the wedding along with lots of cousins and friends. The trip was a quick one, but densely packed - it was great to share the celebration with so many members of the Elstrott diaspora. Among the notables: all the Kelly and Cathy Elstrotts flew in from Eugene, OR (except cousin Sara) for the festivities; Jason even flew in from Costa Rica, where he's been working in real estate. I'm back in Baltimore now, studying for my TAPP (thorax, abdomen, pelvis, and perineum) exam in Anatomy...come Friday, though, it's holiday time! As the below picture attests, a notable someone in my life has already begun her vacation...that's Lisa enjoying the beach in Tulum, MX. She's hosting some family members in Mexico through Christmas day, then heading to Chicago for a few days to be with others, and finally returning to New Orleans on December 29! I'm excited to spend a week or so with her after such a long semester spent mostly apart. Congrats again to Justin and Joy - I've included some pictures from the rehearsal dinner. Happy holidays!