With three days off between a trip to New Orleans for an engagement party and a trip to Ohio for my college roommate's wedding, I rounded up two friends (and one energetic Weimeraner) from my med class for a 3-day hike in the Shenandoah Mts. of Virginia. We covered about 24 miles over those days, but the miles flew by as we paid more attention to deer, birds, lizards, rabbits, and icicles (yes! it was freezing!) than we did to our footsteps. We shivered through our first night of camp so painfully that one of us (I won't say who) decided to hike all the way back to the car the next day, covering 14 miles between 7am and 7pm in order to avoid spending another sleepless night in the frigid March air. The sights and (lack of) sounds were well worth it, though, as was the camaraderie and vigorous exercise. Pictured are Mike George and Seth Goldstein along with me. We are so manly and tough.
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