Perpetual Discernment

Sunday, April 30, 2006

A Busy Weekend

Whew! After a busy, active weekend over which I slept little, I'm finally decompressing in the fine company of pulmonary physiology. Friday afternoon found me in northern Maryland, a few miles from the Delaware line, attending the kickoff retreat for the Baltimore Albert Schweitzer Fellows Program, a public service fellowship of which I've recently become a part. The retreat took place on the University of Maryland-owned Donaldson Brown Estate, a vast expanse overlooking the Susquehanna River from on top a 100-foot cliff. The pictures included were taken around sunset Friday evening. Once the retreat ended Saturday afternoon, I drove down to D.C. to spend an evening with some of my great friends from UNC - Nate Maust, Jason Norris, Streeter Lecka, Rolf Graning, and Holly Graning (Rolf's wife). Today, as I mentioned at the outset, has been decidedly less social. Enjoy the pics - I've got more if you're interested.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Long Time no Post

After nearly four months of failing to post either information or pictures of goings-on in Baltimore, New Orleans, and Mexico, I'm planning to start up again. Now that spring has arrived in Baltimore, I've emerged from hibernation to marvel at the thousands of others who, like me, seem to be rediscovering warmth, sunshine, flowers, and fresh air. Classes march on: somehow I find myself in the final block of my first year, looking forward to a comparatively relaxed summer full of research, reading, softball leagues, and Lisa! She returns from Mexico in a few short weeks after almost ten months' worth of mostly online communication...I have to keep reminding myself not to will away all the gorgeous days between now and then! The Orioles have started up again, and, like last year, have done surprisingly well for the first stretch. Here's to hoping the pattern holds...go O's! I'm excited to have much of my family and Lisa's up here at the same time Memorial Day weekend - lots of fun on the horizon to balance the piles of work I've yet to get through. Looking forward to seeing many of you soon... Happy 80th birthday to Hela!